For all businesses, including your own, acquiring online reviews can offer tremendous value to you, your prospects and your online marketing initiatives.  Reviews are a form of direct feedback that you can use to formulate and implement changes to improve your business, whether you run an internet marketing agency or a national courier company.

Reviews offer credibility and authority that you’ll never be able to achieve from your website alone; no matter how many testimonials are on your site. If you haven’t received any reviews on sites such as Google or Yelp, that says something. It’s important to give clients and customers the opportunity to rate your company.  Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing will take notice of these things. 

A review is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, a play, musical theater show and finally we’re here to talk about reviews for businesses, such as restaurants, dry cleaners, apartment management companies, mechanics, doctors, day spas, limousine services, law firms, and other brick and mortar businesses who lose and gain customers daily based on their past and current customers’ opinions.  Reviews can be left on Google Places pages, Yelp and Yahoo! just to name a few.

There are many reasons that reviews benefit a local business.  While considering online or internet marketing principles, reviews accomplish three things; Ranking, Conversion, and Service area. There are many misconceptions about how reviews influence ranking, many don’t consider the importance of conversion.  Finally, reviews solve a very common problem among many types of businesses.

Getting customer reviews is an important step to improving your rankings in the Google Local Business Results. Ask your customer or client to leave an online review anytime someone compliments your product or services. Implementing a customer review policy in your company could dramatically improve your rankings.

Consumer reviews are written by the owner of a product or user of a service who has adequate experience to comment on whether or not the product or service delivers on its promises. An expert review refers to a review written by someone who has tested several peer products or services to identify which offers the best value for money or the best set of features. A bought review is the system where the creator (usually a company) of a new product pays a reviewer to review his new product.

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