Attorney Marketing Blog2019-10-25T06:17:37+00:00


Lawyer Marketing thoughts – Tracking is Essential!

You cannot grow your law firm if you don’t have a handle on your marketing costs and ROI. John Wannamaker, a pioneer in marketing, once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is, I don’t know which half.” This quote was true to a point back in the 1800s when Wannamaker made it. Not so true today! Online marketing can be tracked meticulously by using

3rd Local SEO Pillar for Attorneys and Law Firm – Client Engagement and Reviews

Considering reviews, we're going to be looking at the benefits of reviews, quantity versus quality, establishing profile Authority and social and review ranking, review filters, review creation, review acquisition strategies and patterns, Rich snippets, review coding and finally an overview of review sites their impact industry perception. What is a Review? A review is a personal evaluation of a movie, publication, game, music , book; a piece of hardware like

2nd Pillar of Local SEO for Attorneys – Citations and Content are King for Lawyers

Now that we are reminded that marketing a business on the Internet follows traditional marketing principles, we know from organic search engine optimization that links are very important for ranking and now I am telling you that citations from highly relevant sources are also important. So I guess the question becomes what is the difference between a citation and a link. Let's take a look. Citations are merely Web references

1st Pillar of Local SEO for Lawyers – Building Citations and Profiles

Local Listings Each of the major search engines have a different philosophy under local ranking, but there is one major common similarity among all three. They started their business ranking websites, now the search engines have the power to rank which businesses the general population chooses to do business with. With the introduction of integrated results on Google’s main search engine results page showed different types of results from the

Local SEO Fundamentals for Attorneys and Law Firms

I'm going to cover the three major pillars of local search, which are Listings, Citations and Reviews Listings First we’ll look into listings. We are going to take a look at the types and locations of results in the triggers that indicate to a search engine that it is a local search.  We're also going to consider the three major search engines that are currently players in the local game.

6 Ways To Increase Law Firm Website Conversions

Getting a prospective client to your website is good, but it’s only half the battle. You want to engage a website visitor to stay on your site and take some kind of action in order for you to convert them into a new client. Below are six tips outlining what you should do to your site to increase your website visitor conversions. 1. USE LIVE CHAT: Live chat services such

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